👋 Hello there, I’m Anjie!

🧑🏻‍💻 I’m an undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science at the University of Ottawa.

🔬 My research interests are centered around Machine Learning, with a particular focus on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and AI-generated content (AIGC).

📚 I am currently involved in projects that utilize diffusion models to enhance HCI applications.

🥰 Additionally, I am passionate about exploring various facets of Machine Learning, especially Computer Vision and multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs).

🎃 You can contact me by the methods listed on the left.

Selected Experience

👨🏻‍🔬 Research Experience

My background includes work in Dr. Karan Ahuja’s group as an undergraduate researcher at Northwestern University, focusing on the intersection of XR, Generative AI, and 3D Design.

I’m also an undergraduate research assistant at University of Ottawa, under the supervision of Dr. Yongyi Mao, focusing on Machine Learning and Epidemiology.

🤖 Open Source Contribution

I’ve worked on A-Tune, an AI-driven OS tuning engine. I built a tool for performance analysis with a user-friendly CLI, making commit tracking more efficient and reducing manual tuning work.